I’ve now got my own Broadcast Channel - thanks IG

In the true “didnt know I needed it until I had it” vibe, I’ve just set up a Broadcast Channel on IG, and its 24hrs in and Im already kind of obsessed (how unlike me). In a world where social media platforms are constantly evolving, instagram does a damn good job of rolling out new features regularly (sure, ok, some of them might be heavily borrowed from other platforms). The latest feature from IG is called "Broadcast Channels," which allows creators to have their own channels and engage with their audiences in a whole new way. Instagram's new Broadcast Channels feature opens up a world of opportunities for content creators to showcase their work and engage with their audience in a more focused and immersive way. And for slashies like me, it means that people who have absolutely no desire to hear about my work/startup life, dont have to get rudely interrupted with it on stories.

I've decided to set up a broadcast channel purely dedicated to sharing some of the experience of founding & trying to grow a start up. For many people, this might be *yawn* and great, you don't have to join my broadcast group. But for those that do like it, they can play along at home watching the ups and downs, the late nights, and the immense amount of boring paperwork that goes into a start up.

But look, the blog isnt ALL about me.. It made me think a lot about why creators should make their own Broadcast Channel and where the opportunities might lie for brands in this space too.

  1. Curate Specialized Content: With a broadcast channel, creators have the opportunity to curate and showcase content that aligns with their specific niche or interests. This allows them to present their work in a more organized and focused manner, catering to their target audience's preferences and expectations. For me, I;ll probably have one ‘broadcast’ for Work/Startup stuff, and maybe another for specific travel trips etc. No more ‘unfollowing’ people while they go enjoy their european vacay while you’re stuck in frosty Australia.

  2. Enhance Discoverability: Having a dedicated broadcast channel can improve a creator's discoverability on Instagram. By creating a channel centered around their niche, creators can attract an audience that is specifically interested in their content. Users can explore and find new channels to follow based on their interests, increasing the chances of reaching a more engaged and loyal audience. So far I havent figured out how to make mine publicly available - when I set it up, it only gave me the option to allow people who followed me to access it. Furely play required here, I’ll keep you updated.

  3. Monetization Opportunities: By growing a dedicated audience on their broadcast channel, creators can leverage features such as ads, sponsorships, brand partnerships, and collaborations to generate income. I’m all for anything that allows creators to turn their passion into a sustainable career.

  4. Showcase Long-form Content: tutorials, interviews, documentaries, or extended performances work on broadcast, instead of having to click out to a link on youtube or a hosting platform. Creators can leverage the channel format to present their content in a sequential manner, keeping viewers engaged and invested in their storytelling. And obviously for IG, it keeps people on platform longer. Win win.

  5. Strengthen Brand Identity: A dedicated broadcast channel allows creators to strengthen their brand identity and establish themselves as authorities in their niche.

I’m all for trying new features, maybe its my ‘move fast and break things’ personality as a founder, or maybe I’m just trying to avoid doing the actual work I’m supposed to do tonight (writing a dry presentation…). But for now, I’m here for these new broadcast features and I’m enjoying learning a new way to tell stories and distribute content in a way that’s hopefully more engaging and relevant to the people who are consuming it. 

My broadcast link is https://ig.me/j/Aba61CPou0b4uzUz/ if you’re interested to see how this feature works in action. And email me [email protected] if you want me to share anything in particular as I cover this journey of start up grind.. Lets hope it’s more of a “Becoming Warren Buffett” doco than ‘Fyre festival”..!